9 Tips On How Your Business Can Survive The Current Coronavirus Situation

9 Tips On How Your Business Can Survive The Current Coronavirus Situation

The current coronavirus situation has been devastating for a lot of businesses with courses and jobs cancelled with no short term solution.

Many business owners are very worried that their businesses may not survive the Governments twelve-week period of ‘social distancing’ and ‘self-isolation’ ….. but, there are opportunities that you can take advantage of if you apply yourself and think differently to those who are panicking.

And these are my 9 Tips on How Your Business Can Survive The Conornavirus Situation.

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Should We Follow and Restrain Someone Who Is Threatening To Jump Off a Bridge Into Fast Moving Traffic [Video]

Now you’ve seen the videos I’ve been putting out this week on vicarious liability and I’ve now got another interesting story for you.

This is about a care home, a residential care home, it’s not a secure care home, and in this particular care home, they’ve got a service user that started to exhibit some quite extreme behaviour.

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Vicarious Liability and Illegal Advice [Video]

How liable are you if an inspectorate gives you illegal advice, which you feel pressurised to implement (due to the inspectorate possibly threatening to impose sanctions against your company) even if you know it will increase the risk to your staff and service users?

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Another Video Interview With Trevel Henry on The Non Delegable Duty of Care and Vicarious Liability [Video]

This is the second interview that I have done with Trevel where we discuss the issues of the Non-Delegable Duty of Care, Vicarious Liability and how that applies to training providers who sub-contract training and to organisations who commission training from training providers (as well as loads of other stuff!).

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The ‘Pyramid of Learning’ (From SAS Training) And How The Three Levels Apply To Virtually Everyone

On the recent course with Ginge and Lofty, Lofty taught the concept of the ‘Pyramid of Learning’ and it’s application in his role as a SAS soldier. The concept Lofty described is as follows. At the base of the pyramid is the ‘Will To Live’ and from an SAS (Special Air Service Regiment) perspective that ‘Will To Live’ is the … Read more

Become A Self Defence Instructor [Video]

The next BTEC Level 3 Self-Defence Trainer Course that we are running in April is filling up quickly, and we’d love it if you could join us on the course because we’d really like to welcome you into the NFPS Family as a properly qualified self-defence instructor – https://nfps.info/self-defence-trainer/

There are other courses out there, but none that offer the same level of service and commitment to you like we do.

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An Interview With Trevel Henry [Video]

This is an video interview that I did with Trevel Henry.

Trevel and I have known each other for many years and between us we probably have around 60 years experience (God that makes us sound old) in this industry so we’d thought we’d get around to doing a video together.

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