Eric Baskind – Are ‘Safe Systems’ of Restraint Really ‘Safe’?

Eric Baskind – Are ‘Safe Systems’ of Restraint Really ‘Safe’?

At our Conference on 26 September, Eric Baskind will be talking about the proposed new laws and accreditation schemes for physical intervention.

The Mental Health Units (Use of Force) Bill

He will be looking at the pros and cons of the new proposed Mental Health Units (Use of Force) Bill as well as the physical intervention accreditation schemes that may follow from its inclusion, and whether anything has or will really change since people started talking about accreditation back in the late 1980’s and early 1990’s.

Safe Systems of Restraint

He will also give a professional legal opinion about safe restraint systems because many of these so-called ‘safe systems’ are basing the fact that they are ‘safe’ on the basis that they do not use any restrictive techniques nor do any pressurised testing.

In short, is a physical intervention system promoted as a ‘safe system’ really safe?

Prone Restraint and Pain-Compliance Techniques

He will also cover the latest developments on the seemingly never-ending debate about prone restraint, pain-compliance techniques, and mechanical restraint.

Legislation Updates

Eric will also update us all on any current updates in legislation and guidance and on any relative cases that have a bearing on what we all do.

To read more about Eric click here –